There’s a new generation of Latino politicians like San Antonio’s Julian Castro and New Hampshire’s Marilinda Garcia. They’re smooth, smart, and very sure of themselves. If don’t know them, you should. Plus, five rising stars to watch in the years to come.
By Ruben Navarrette, Jr.

The 2010 Census is already
underway. Its results will impact
the Latino community in ways large
and small, from policemen on the
streets to political redistricting. But
are we ready to stand
up and be counted?
By Patricia Guadalupe

In their tumultuous shared history,
Mexico and the U.S. have been the
worst of friends and the best of enemies. Now, President Obama had brought a new urgency to the relationship.
Will it make a difference?
By Ana Radelat

America needs to produce 100,000
more engineers a year by 2020, and
this pipeline must be filled by Latinos.
Corporate America and Latino
nonprofits are teaming up to close the achievement gap.
By Diana Terry-Azios

Congressman Ruben Hinojosa has made
his mark in Washington, DC as a champion
of the disadvantaged and an advocate for education. In an exclusive interview, he talks with LATINO about how he brought hi-tech to south Texas.
By Alfredo J.Estrada

Why have Latinas always been typecast as
spitfires and bombshells? Now, two young actresses are proving that Hollywood’s rules were meant to be broken, both in front of the camera and behind it.
By Bel Hernandez-Castillo